Government Regulatory Sites
This page is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all government websites; but rather, a list of the webpages from our three levels of government; that may be of interest to our Members.
Provincial- Ontario
County- Peterborough
Peterborough County- Planning & Development
Municipality- Trent Lakes
Planning & Development- Trent Lakes
Septic Tank Re-Inspection Program- Trent Lakes
Dock encroachments on municipal road allowances public notice
List of Public Notices- Trent Lakes
Trent Lakes City Council Information, Meeting Minutes and Meeting Dates
Waste Transfer Information- Trent Lakes
Waste & Recycling
Public Works
Public Works- Roads Maintenance
Planning & Building - (zoning by-laws, planning/building applications and information)
Municipal Property Assessment Corp
Policing and Fire Rescue (non-emergency)
Ratepayer Associations
Community Connection
Outdoors, Hunting & Fishing Licenses & Regulatory Information
Hunting Regulations in Ontario